Nightfall Wiki

Kankri: Elaborate. is the eighth and final flash of Act 2. In it, Kankri rambles on about the definition of "barbarian" while Sollux walks off the screen. Kankri trails off and stops when he realizes Sollux left.

Staying after the main flash causes text from Neon to appear on the screen.


The color below is not Kankri's normal text color, rather, it is what is used in the flash.

All9w me t9 enlighten y9u a69ut the nature 9f humans. Are y9u familiar with the w9rd 6ar6ari9n? It is a term that fits humans quite well. I am als9 aware 9f where the term 9riginated 9n earth. All9w me t9 explain t9 y9u its 9rigens [sic] s9 y9u may have a 6etter understanding 9f why I feel this w9rd suits them. Apparently the high p9int 9f humanity was a s9ciety named R9me, filled with all 9f the media w9rship 9f vi9lence and de6auchery that characterized y9ur disgustingly imm9ral alternia friend, Karkat. It was this civilizati9n that s9ught the c9nquest 9f the neigh69ring c9untries, as Humans have n9t even united under a single w9rld g9vernment. Such a primitive setup. Always fighting 9ne an9ther, causing cha9s and misery f9r 9ne and 9ther [sic]. They w9uld clearly 6enifet [sic] fr9m uniting as 9ne t9 s9lve all 9f their w9rld pr96lems, such as eradicating hatred 6ased 9n fact9rs determined at 6irth.. Anyway, the R9mans th9ught they c9uld impr9ve th9se ar9und them 6y their c9nquering. They saw all 9thers as inferi9rs. It’s incredi6ly hem9ist, 9r wait, what’s the stupid w9rds [sic] humans use t9 descri6e it? Pacist, 9r whatever. These incredi6ly triggering individuals were ruled 6y an emper9r, n9t an empress, tw: patriarchy, 9r whatever P9rrim is always 6a6ling [sic] a69ut that I pay little attenti9n t9 in 9ur private chats. This emper9r c9nquered the native germanic pe9ples, and when he s9ught c9mmune with them, all he c9uld make 9ut 9f their language was the gi6erish [sic]. It 6ecame a merit 9f insult t9 all th9se wh9 c9uld n9t speak the R9man native t9ung [sic]. As a side n9te, the humans refuse t9 agree 9n a gl996al [sic] language. Anyway, the R9mans called th9se wh9 were different 6ar6arians, and they were c9nquered t9 6e enslaved 6y the g9vernment. If I were an emper9r, I w9uld n9t c9nquer the pe9ple and f9rce my ideas up9n them as 6ef9rus was s9 f9nd 9f, and Alternia t99. I w9uld create a planet surpassing 69th 9f th9se. I w9uld n9t 6e a tyrant, wh9 fed his 9wn pe9ple t9 the li9ns 9ver their triggering 6eliefs. I w9uld rather 6e dead then a tyrant.  I w9uld rule like marcus aerelius, 6ringing the pe9ple t9 enlightenment thr9ugh sp9ken w9rd al9ne. This lecture c9ntains many triggering c9ntents such as-

You know this flash is over right?
You can go ahead and go to the next page.
What are you waiting for?
Are you expecting some silly easter egg at the end of this flash of all the character's [sic] suddenly breaking out into song or some shit?
I don't have time to make that kind of stuff!
Well I guess this text here will have to be your easter egg.
I hope you are happy.
I wonder what Kankri is staring at. Maybe he is looking at you.
Silently judging you.
Well, it looks like Kankri's sprite just ran out of frames.
I think the song is going to end soon anyway.
Then the flash will be over for real.
You are going to have to manually refresh the page if you want to watch this again.
Because I didn't feel like adding a replay button.
Because really,do [sic] you need to watch this whole thing again?
Probably not.
But if you really want to, go ahead. I don't care.
Well, that is all for this little ramble.
Goodbye now.
